Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The silent walk

The simplest way of living
No hope, no judgment
Just the being..
Not happy with living
Neither with dying
Just floating moment to moment
In a non ending present.
A being just passing a time on earth
A mind that’s not thinking.
Not in a history
Not in to any breed
Living in society
but not with society.
Just the silent living
With the drops of timing.

A human who’s always a child in his heart
And who sees everything new in every time he sees
That man is the flute who let
The song of Buddha to play in his being.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Waiting for no Bus

There are times that we feel our life have come to its end.
At the bus stands where no buses any more; to go nowhere.
Yellow dim lights..just the silhouettes of dogs, drunkards and prostitutes.
no calls or messages to our phone. life is disconnected.
no more hope. no more sun rises. eyes can only see the past.
where the all meanings we thought as real are getting in to kind of empty jokes.
when any one could be a substitute for your space and no one would care.
when you feel all the life you came through is just an imagination in your head.
At where you feel, who am I?
at that time life is at its end.
I don't feel like getting a new beginning. Every beginning should finally come to this hopeless nights at empty bus stands.
If you are strong enough to cheat your self until the body tells you the time to go..you better wait for the next bus.
But I prefer, waiting for no bus..
just waiting at this empty bus station.

Gone Too Soon

Micheal Jackson is dead. At once I heard this I felt like I was shaken from deep inside. My eyes were wet without my knowing. Secondly I realized how much Micheal inspired me to be my self.
He is the King of Pop.
Pop is Pop not because it's shallow, romantic and not touching any darker things inside being. At least that's not why Micheal was the King of Pop. His performances were highly Socio-Political and therefore highly Philosophical. They made a culture than any leftist made, through out the world. Even when all the elders were threatening me for disobedience in my childhood, I was staring at a Micheal's poster hanged on my wall. I told my self, still he's there. His character which went beyond the natural stereotype of human being, his dance which seems like a sexy, radical attack to the outer, kept me encouraging to be different. He made some thing which is more than him. Finally I realised he was inside me than Che or Karl Marx.
Real Pop is something that goes with the structures of common human taste but changing it to something else. With Micheal he changed the whole world taste in to something rebelious, something beyond hetro/ homo sex, something never-ever experienced. But at the same time it was Pop. That is Micheal Jackson.
His charisma was not something borrowed. It was not something agreed to ordinary stupidity of mass. It was the change. It was a challenge. His politics touched the deep human behaviors of sex. He re-arranged the natural phenomena of sex. They nailed him as a child abuser. He was a rebel like a child.
That is why he is higher than Victor Hara or Bob Marley. They did Socio-Politics. But Micheal was doing Human Politics. His attack was personal to everybody.
I love to quote John Mayors words before I end this.
'A major strand of our cultural DNA has left us'.
But I am sure that strand was highly infectious